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HOT 100

The biggest reason ARMY should care about radio is because radio has weight on the Canadian Hot 100. Songs in regular rotation across the country that get heavy radio play can live on the chart for months. This is good news for us as ARMY tend to frontload the debut week with sales. Radio can help give us longevity when our sales dip.


Radio has the potential to reach millions, particularly in demographics that don't consume content where BTS shows up naturally. This is particularly true for Canadians as Canadian mainstream media is often hesitant to write about BTS unless they appear at a major American event or achieve something in America/Canada.


Canada has a much smaller entertainment/music industry compared to the USA and UK. BTS has never done promotional work in Canada the same way they have in other countries. Requesting BTS songs on Canadian radio helps keep BTS present in the minds of the station DJs, hosts, and directors when BTS aren't in the country/aren't being reported on by our entertainment reporters and journalists.


  • Follow your local stations on their Social Media accounts.

  • Find out what format they take requests in (calls, texts, emails, social media, polls, upvoting, Instagram stories, etc).

  • Avoid bot-like behaviour (copy and pasting request tweets, spam tweeting, tagging too many accounts, adding too many hashtags, making request threads/chains).

  • Tune in to the station, record BTS playing, Shazam the song, and thank the station/DJs for playing BTS.

  • Engage naturally with the station even on their regular (non-BTS) posts.

  • Remember that ARMY are the face of BTS to these stations. If they ever post/say anything that's misinformed, politely correct them but never curse, shade, or threaten.


  • A mix show that airs Saturday nights from 8-10pm local time hosted by DJ Clymaxxx and Devo Brown from KiSS 92.5 in Toronto.

  • Mix shows don't play the full song, they play part of it and mix it in/with other tracks.

  • DJ Clymaxxx creates the mixes and Devo Brown provides commentary - Devo often keeps up with the latest BTS news and mentions them.

  • They usually play 3-6 BTS songs each show! Including official album releases, mixtape tracks, free releases, pre-debut tracks, and their covers.

  • Airs on Kiss 92.5 Toronto, 105.3 Ottawa, 102.7 Kingston, 91.7 Edmonton, and 104.9 Vancouver.

  • Listen from anywhere in Canada via or through the Radio Player Canada app.

  • To request via Twitter, simply write the song you'd like to hear and include "#SetItOff".

  • When you hear a BTS song play, take a video or screenshot and tweet @devobrown and @DJClymaxxx with #SetItOff to say thanks!


  • Shows that air from one central station and are broadcast on other stations across the country.

  • Can air simultaneously or they can be delayed by hours/days.

  • All of the major broadcast groups (Kiss/Rogers, iHeart/Virgin/Bell, Stingray, and iHeart/Rouge) have their own format for syndicated shows. Some shows in Canada even broadcast from America (American Top 40 and Most Requested Live).

  • Many of these shows are countdowns using radio play data to determine song position. Some shows take requests, many don't. Before you request find out 1) if the show takes requests and 2) if you're listening to a syndicated broadcast - if the show was recorded hours ago, there's no point sending in a request!

  • Tune in to these shows on your local stations. Take a video or screenshot a Shazam when you hear BTS play and tweet it to the station to thank them!

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